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Your Plate Your Fate

About Me

Before I even get started it is very important to me to share that I love the Lord with all my heart and I owe everything to him, who gave his life for me. He is my reason for living and I work hard to live a life that is pleasing to Him. If you are searching to bring Christ into your life watch this video it will help guide you. is a blog aimed at those interested in losing and maintaining your weight by eating Low Carb Food. I want to share some amazing, delectable and tasty dishes that I have experimented with, shared with friends and family or found in books and online, that will change your view on healthy eating and help you lose weight and keeping it off.

You will find

Useful articles and videos aimed to guide you in creating delicious recipes and give you a variety of choices to keep you from being bored with low carb eating. Atkins and other Low Carb recipes will be illustrated.

Who is Gayle McLeod?

My name is Gayle and after working for 32 years I finally was able to pack my bags and retire. Still to young and have a lot of spark left in me I could not just sit around and do nothing. Empty nester of 5 with a wonderful husband and two cats, I knew this was my chance to do what I want. I’ve had a passion for cooking and always looking for a healthier way to eat.  For years I have never been happy with my weight (felt I needed to lose 30 pounds). My success rate varied with every diet I tried, only to gain the weight back after going back to my old ways.

Studies, statistics and reality show me that there are a small percentage of people that can keep the weight off. Let’s face it we are creatures of habit and gradually revert back to the foods that we crave, that are not good for us.

Speaking of old habits, my vice was that I loved potato chips. I would eat every crumb from the bottom of a large bag in one sitting, in place of a meal. I remember leaving work at the end of my shift and the first stop was the closet convenience store to pick up a bag. It would be empty before I pulled into the driveway.  There was something about the starchy, salty, high carb snack that continued to draw me in.

I struggled to stay away from chips, but I kept giving into the temptation.  For short periods I would completely eliminate them from my diet, but only to replace them with some other high carb substitute. I didn’t even really know what carbs were at that time. I had heard there were good carbs and bad carbs, but had no clue what the difference was. So out of curiosity, I started to search the internet to see if I could learn the difference, and start to educate myself on making better choices.

I found that good carbs are to be consumed in moderation and bad carbs are to be avoided as much as possible. Some carbs promote health, while others, if eaten too frequently or in large quantities, can lead to many health problems.


  • Low glycemic fresh fruits, like apricots, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries
  • Non-starchy vegetables, asparagus, green beans, broccoli
  • Nuts
  • Unsweetened dairy products, such as yogurt, sour cream, cheese


  • Refined grains like white bread, white rice and enriched pasta
  • Cake, candy cookies and chips
  • White potatoes
  • Sweetened soft drinks
  • Sugar

So where should I go from here I wondered?

I stumbled onto the ATKINS DIET, I was so intrigued thinking that I could eat all the meats and salads and other delicious meals and lose weight. Whether you’re an old hand at Atkins, or just starting out, or exploring whether a low-carb lifestyle is for you, you’ll agree that gaining weight is easier than trying to loss those extra pounds.

This was a Revelation!

Stay tune, more to come!




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