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Date Posted: 7 November, 2017 | Join The Conversation! Be the first to comment!

Low Carb Lasagna with Ham

I can’t believe we are into November and its starting to cool off outside and the furnace has been kicking in and we

are pulling out our woolly’s.  It’s time to think about turning on the oven and start making comfy food.

I don’t think I know many if any body that does not like a dish of lasagna. Even better you can eat a healthier version;
here is a great Low Carb Lasagna with Ham as our noodle.

So lets get started and I will show you how to make it!

1 lb lean ground beef

1/2 medium chopped onion

2 cups Marinara Sauce

1 tsp Herbamare or use salt and pepper

1 egg

300 grams ricotta cheese

Himalayan Pink Salt and pepper to taste

Sprinkle of garlic salt

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

In a skillet mix and cook thoroughly the ground beef, herbamare and onion.

Drain the extra fat off the meat.

Add 1 cup of Marinara Sauce and mix well.

In a separate bowl, mix egg , ricotta cheese together with a taste of salt and pepper, set aside
In a 9 x 13 ovenware dish, spread a couple of tablespoon of marinara sauce on the bottom of the dish.

Add 4 slices of ham to cover the bottom of the dish.

Spread 1/2 of the meat mixture on top of the ham slices.

Sprinkle 1/2 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese over the meat mixture.

Add 4 more slices of ham to cover the top of the cheese.

Spread the ricotta cheese to cover the whole dish, sprinkle with garlic salt.

Layer the remainder meat mixture on top, sprinkle with the mozzarella cheese.

Add the rest of the marinara sauce and sprinkle with 1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven 350 F

Bake for 30 to 40 minutes

When you first take it out of the oven there appears to be quite a bit of liquid.

Let the Lasagna sit for 10 minutes and the liquid will absorb.

Serving: 8

Yield: 9.1 net carbs

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