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Date Posted: 23 May, 2013 | Join The Conversation! Be the first to comment!

Why Low Carb Diet?

weightlostsilhouettegirlFirst of all a Low Carb Diet is a diet that limits carbohydrates. There are high carbohydrate foods and low carbohydrate foods. The high carb foods are grains, starchy vegetables and fruits such as pastas, breads, potatoes, corn and pineapple. Proteins, fats and a variety of non-starchy vegetables are lower in carbs such as beef, chicken, butter, mayo, oils, salads, asparagus and more.

The purpose of a Low Carb Diet will help you lose weight! Low Carb Diets will increase your energy! Low Carb Diets will make you look great! A Low Carb Diet will give you all of this and more.

By eating low carbs your fat is used to supply your energy which results in weight loss.

When eating a Low Carb Diet your blood sugar stays level which stops you over eating and limits cravings.

Some studies show that you may shed weight because you eat less on Low Carb Diets because the extra protein and fat keep you feeling full longer.

Most people find that once they shake off the sugar addiction they never go back.

You become full of energy and are more inclined to exercise while eating a Low Carb Diet.

Eating a Low Carb Diet is healthy and has demonstrated that carbohydrate intake results in improved blood cholesterol, triglyceride levels, moderation of blood-sugar levels and a reduction of blood pressure.

You have been tricked for too long!

We have been tricked for generations as to what we should be eating on a daily basis. Everywhere you look there’s processed foods, potato chips, breads, pasta‘s and sugar in everything. If you look back 60 years or more you lived off the land and were not limited to all refined carbohydrates and junk food.

American Heart Association’s has convinced people by giving there seal of approval for eating sugary cereals along with bread, pasta, bagel and such. You were taught to limit your intake of low carbs such as steak and pork chops and to lower your fat consumption. So what has happened? Society has turned to junk food, refined carbohydrates, sugar and flour. Every year statistics confirm that obesity is escalating, thus fat phobia. You are afraid to eat fat so instead you are eating carbs.

People are gradually learning that they have been misinformed and are starting to eat low carbohydrates.

David Diamond PhD, a professor in the department of psychology in Florida was overweight; his triglyceride (which is fat in the blood) and his LDL bad cholesterol were sky high. His doctor recommended for him to cut back on beef (meats) and fat and to start pumping iron. Two years later his triglyceride and cholesterol were even higher.

David Diamond did some research:

William Banting’s theory in the 1800’s been; don’t eat starchy foods and exclude bread and potatoes. Eat 10% carbs, 70% fats, basically eating low carbs.

Robert Atkins theory in 1972 was; eating a low carb diet, red meat, butter and fat does not increase you cholesterol and you will lose weight.

The view of the medical world has been changing and they are more receptive to controlled carbohydrate weight loss. Scientific evidence is beginning to support a controlled low carb nutritional approach. Studies show that sugar, refined white flours and junk foods are bad for your health. By eating a low carb diet you will control your weight, achieve good health and help prevent disease, increase your energy level and your mental status.

I would like to share this video with you from David Diamond PhD University Florida.” How bad science and big business create the obesity epidemic”. I hope you will find it informative.

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